FTC Disclosure
Use of affiliate links…
This is my own blog and it’s here to assist you in getting a blog up and running and growing quicker.
We do make use of affiliate links as a means of assisting us in helping to fund the operation of this blog. A man’s gotta eat, after all?
Affiliate marketing has been around for ages and many of the world’s largest brands make use of it. And included amongst these are the likes of Amazon.
If you buy something after clicking on a link we’ve provided, we may earn a small commission.
We’re responsible with products/services we suggest and if we believe that they’re a waste of time – we’ll not suggest them.
Keeping that in mind, you would be regarding all the links as affiliate links and conducting your own research before you bought anything. What I am able to use may not be quite right for you. It is reassuring to know what you would wish to achieve with something, this will make any spending money purchases all the better.
Earnings and results examples…
The figures we’re comparing aren’t the average, necessarily, whether it’s examples of how much money you might make or traffic you might make.
We can’t guarantee you that because, actually, we did incredibly well, you will. You might do better for all we know.
There are just so many personalized reasons that might come into play, which are outside of our control.
But in the majority of situations you won’t – let’s be realistic, most individuals just give up and don’t give tactics, systems or processes the time or focus they require to deliver results. Just because you’ve not managed to reproduce something doesn’t mean it won’t work and it’s a load of hog wash. It means you have to do it differently and work harder or simply work smarter.
We don’t offer any form of financial, medical, legal or psychological advice – for that kind of thing you should consult a professional in the appropriate field.